Fairfield For You

Man on the moon

May 23, 2011
Great job getting the site up and running.  We have to stay on the attack.  The best defense is a good offense.  We cannot let the issue die over the summer and not worry about it till next spring.  John Kennedy challenged the nation to put a man on the moon before the end of the decade of the 60s.  We did it!  However, since 1903 we cannot solve the problem of flooding in the Passaic River Basin!  I find that impossible if the government really wanted to solve the problem.  This is a great time to keep up the pressure.  All seats in Trenton are up for grabs.  Maybe, just maybe, something will get off the ground. 

Patrick Bottone

Neighbors and Friends,

May 23, 2011

Neighbors and Friends,

All elected officials are in office because we put them there. Once in office they tend to get very comfortable doing the things that are "popular" and get them re-elected. The flooding issue is not popular and this is why we are getting little to no response from the Governor, the senators, representatives and the county. I firmly believe that these folks should be as uncomfortable about their jobs as I am when we all flood. If you are unhappy with the service you a...

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Fairfield, Army Corps, continue to discuss flood remediation

May 16, 2011
Posted: Friday, May 13, 2011 12:00 am

FAIRFIELD TWP. – In the aftermath of floods that ravaged the township from March into April, local officials continue discussions on possible flood remediation strategies with the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

The three parties met in mid-April for a tech...

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Fed up with flooding?

May 3, 2011

Have you had enough with flooding? Can anything be done to alleviate the problem? Are buyouts the answer? 

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